Jealous Thoughts About Healthy Food Bloggers

Hello Peeps,

Thank you for all the birthday wishes and letting me know I now have responsibilities as a 21 year old. And with all the busy birthday parties, I totally missed the 700 followers milestone and yesterday I just hit 800 (?!). Thank you so much all of you lovely lot, old and new followers. The support means a lot and I continue to grow as a blogger with all of your comments on my posts. Just knowing you enjoyed them is more than enough!

The more honest the post the more respect I get from you lot as followers (I think?)…or you’re all just pulling my leg making me post more and more embarrassing thoughts that I have DAILY.

This post is all about my envious thoughts on the people that, no matter what, will always have their overnight oats ready and waiting, or a green smoothie made within 5 seconds with no mess in a mason jar. Basically, healthy floggers (food bloggers) that really have their sh*t together. Here are my jealous thoughts when I see your posts…

 *WARNING* This is not meant to offend anyone,  I’m just bitter with jealousy that people this healthy exist.

1.”Won’t they be hungry?”


As a girl who loves her hearty meals, the first thing I notice is the lack of food on their plates. Surely there’s too much white space there…no? No. It’s probably the perfect amount. And this just emphasises the fact that I should really cut down on my portion sizes. Does anyone else lose all sense of control when peeling potatoes or just constantly get measurements for pasta wrong!? …and secretly love it…?

2. “What the hell are flax seeds and why are they everywhere?!”


Flax seeds…one of the front runners in superfoods. As someone who’s not a health blogger as such, I’m constantly seeing flax seeds in pretty much EVERY foodie post. However, I’m yet to know what on earth they are. I know it’s probably a google search away, but then that means none of you lovely lot could tell me what they are…anyone know? anyone else…not know!? I’m such a noob.

3. “How did they get their breakfast to look so pretty?”

Vegan Berry Crunch Smoothie Bowl - Domesticate Me

If I see one more pretty breakfast bowl that a healthy food blogger ‘just whipped up‘, I’m gonna cry. My breakfast never look so symmetrical and neat and perfect in every way.  Is it a case of practise makes perfect? Cos if so, I have no patience for that. I’ll be eating it half way through dressing the bowl up. And, why so much purple too?! I want some purple yogurt for breakfast. It looks fun.

4. “But where’s the carbs?”


As a carboholic, admitted in my Thoughts of a Carboholic post, carbs are the star of the show for me. A dinner without carbs doesn’t sit well with me. I’ll leave them out occasionally if I’ve had a particularly naughty day.

But looking at all these health bloggers constantly replace carbs with a handful of pumpkin seeds makes me sad! What have they ever done to you? Oh yeah. Love handles.

I sometimes wonder if they take the pretty, filtered picture before adding the carbs to look healthy and then add on some mash afterwards. Not that I would do that…

5.  “I wonder if they actually like all that kale”


9 times out of 10, the health bloggers choice of veg is the predictable, yet classic, kale. And it’s not a normal sized serving, it is a MOUNTAIN of kale. Mount Kaleomanjaro. (Lol I enjoyed that). I’m left thinking, “is it possible to like kale this much?” “is this what it takes to be a healthy food blogger?”

It was only until recently that I discovered I’d been eating and prepping kale all wrong. I say that as if I eat it all the time. I don’t. I had it once and HATED it. It was so bitter and dry, but that was because I didn’t “massage the kale” for a few minutes. Yeah. I giggled too. Who knew eating healthy was so confusing!?

6. “Jel of how not bored they are of chicken already”


I’m sure if it was socially acceptable, health bloggers would have chicken for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Or do they do that already? Oh no wait, the beloved breakfast bowl would be sacrificed!

Occasionally I see chicken stuffed with stuff, or marinated in stuff, or drizzled with stuff. But mostly, I’ll just see plain chicken, as all the added extras means more calories. Is that not a bit like “ugh I could be having mac n cheese right now“. Just me? cool.

7. “Where do they find all these cute overnight oat jars!?”


I have a feeling a lot of you are gonna say Target. And this just makes it worse! I live in the UK and am forever seeing Target hauls or blog posts mentioning Target for some cute bedroom deco or, as mentioned, MASON JARS. Normally with these blog posts come “you need to get down there and grab yourself on of these”…brb just hopping on a plane. Why do all good things come from the US and take at least 5 years to come over to the UK!

8. “Do they put avocado on anything?”


The weird green thing that was only ever used for guac. I’m certain it was forgotten about up to 3 years ago. But now it’s there every time I refresh my insta feed (lexilife95) it’s THERE. Whether sliced up all pretty and fanned out (obvs) or smashed on toast with a fork, it’ll be there.

Despite everyone adding it to every meal…I’m still not convinced on it. Anyone else not a fan?!

This has probably proven me to be rubbish at eating clean. I’ll be the first to admit that before any of you lot point it out!!

Is anyone else struggling to workout how these health bloggers do it?! Anyone else left feeling jealous of them after stalking their instagram/blog? Let me know in the comments where we can cry together…

Love Life, Lexi!

P.S For those of you who made it to the end of this blog post..I have a treat for you. I’ve recently gotten into Graze and I have a reward code for you! If you’ve always wanted to try healthier snacks, use my code and get your 1st, 5th and 10th graze boxes free! Take the plunge and see if you like it: 

74 thoughts on “Jealous Thoughts About Healthy Food Bloggers

  1. Great post! I too have often wondered all these thoughts, especially the one about who has their breakfast prepped and ready every morning🤔. They must have their shit together! Sadly I do not… Well not in that area anyway. Great read!
    P.S. Flax seed is a fiber crop grown here in Saskatchewan, CA. It helps with digestion. I grew up on a farm and my family grew (still grows) flax crops.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow! I totally did not know it could be grown there. I knew I had you followers for a reason 😉 Thanks for your kind words – and that you can relate to some of these thoughts. I didn’t want to offend anyone and having someone confirm that they feel the same makes it better lol!! Thanks for stopping by xxx


    • Hey! Glad to see you made your way over here hun, and even better than you enjoyed my most recent post! Great to know you’re all about this blog, big love xxx


  2. Love this post! its so true, I can’t tell you how bored I get of chicken. I don’t eat any red meat so I feel like well chicken is my only option since I am not a fan of re-heating fish. I HATE kale. I used to love it, and then I puked my guts up once since I had a bad People make these delicious looking breakfasts and I am over here like hmm..why can I only whip up some oatmeal that looks nothing like this. So glad I am not the only one who thinks these things!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh thank god…a foodie health blogger has commented and has put their stamp of approval on this post! Haha. I was a little hesitant to post this one as I thought i may end up offending some people (the last thing I wanna do) but, if people know me and the rest of my blog posts, they’ll know it’s all for fun. So PHEW! Glad you could relate and thanks for commenting showing your love as usual!! P.S I have pretty breakfast problems too. xxx


    • Woo! April Babies haha. Sure go ahead! The website is soon cute it just draws you in more, once you order your first box you get to chose what you would like to try, what you think you might like, what you know you will love and you can bin some snacks you know you’ll hate haha. Then the kitchen at graze makes your cute box up for you so it’s a surprise! Feel free to use my code! Thanks for commenting and glad you enjoyed the post hehe xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This really hit the nail on the head! Nutrition has always been a struggle for me in the realm of eating clean. I always leaned towards bulking diets which were still healthy but I could actually eat “real” food lol but when it came time to cut it was miserable! But some people just always seem to have it together and I’m not sure if I’ll ever get how they do it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for commenting! So glad you enjoyed this post and that you could relate to it. To be honest, I believe that no one is perfect! But for those truly healthy people, it is just what makes them happy. And for us…it is probably the opposite haha! Which leaves us having thoughts that I’ve mentioned above – annoying. So so happy you liked it and hope you can see some more of my posts to see if you relate too xx

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  4. I would just like to say I get all these jealous feelings too! pssst little secret for you…. you can get mason jars from ikea, the range, an some supermarkets stock them. You just need to hunt sadly… Great post though, love the witty inputs my personal favorite Kaleomanjaro. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hiya Timothy, thanks for stopping by and having a peek at my blog, really appreciate your feedback!! Especially from my male followers, I’m trying my best not to be so gender specific (which is hard as I blog about experiences and thoughts) so I can widen my audience to you guys 🙂 Wow, I’ve never seen mason jars in ikea! Thanks again, and glad you liked my dry sense of humour hehe xx

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  5. I hate avocado and seeing it all over instagram on toast with poached eggs makes me feel sick😳 Also there with you on kale, not a fan of that either. Flax seeds, chia seeds, all the same right? Im possibly the worst person to ‘clean eat’ haha x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you found your way back to my blog 🙂 I guess we share the fact that we should never totally eat clean and instead cut our portion sizes down haha. Thanks for commenting hun xxx

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  6. Food is meant to be enjoyed and some recipes i see dont look that enjoyable. Never seen flax seeds anywhere and i doubt i’ll go out of my way to get any either. Tried chia seeds once. Absolute crap.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, glad to see I’m not alone. I feel like sacrificing food I enjoy is waving goodbye to me being happy! Not worth it in my opinion but then others find the things that repulse us, enjoyable. It’s just envious that those things happen to be good for you and not a greasy pizza. Hope you enjoyed xx

      Liked by 1 person

    • Haha glad you enjoyed! Yes I know they’re so pretty. How people can bring themselves to demolish them I don’t know, maybe that’s a positive to not being able to make anything look instagramable?? I don’t have to worry about making it look ugly – it already is. Thanks for commenting as always xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    • Haha Glad you enjoyed that pun – I was happy with it myself lol! I can’t tell if they make it pretty just for the blog or that they genuinely do it every single time! We will never know. Thanks for commenting as always babe xxx

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  7. I loved this! You’re blogs are so good, I’m very inspired! If you come to Australia we do the perfect avo on everything! (You’ll be sold I’m sure! It’s the one thing I miss on comp prep!!!!) Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw you are so sweet! Thanks Brittany, you just pay for my ticket yeah and I’ll be right on trying that avocado heheh. Thanks for stopping by and following, hope you enjoy the rest of my posts! Xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    • Aw thank you!! So glad you could relate to it and enjoy it, thats all I want at the end of the day. Hope you enjoyed your Quest bar and that you like my other posts/future posts to come! Xxx


    • Aw thanks babe! So glad you could relate. That’s all I was aimng for to make myself feel a bit better about being so BAD at being healthy! Thank for stopping by, hope you enjoy some more of my posts xx


  8. I couldn’t help but to giggle at your blog post. I agree on a lot of the comments you have here. However, I do really love kale lol. I can’t get my meal pictures to look glamourous like so many others and flax seeds are wild. I like milled flax seeds in one of my recipes but that is literally all I use it for. Keep up the honest posts, love them!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Jenn! It means a lot. I’m jealous of your love for kale but I’m glad all of you have a great sense of humour and are taking it light heartedly like it’s intended to be. I was nervous about offending someone, but you all catch my drift. I think I’m bound to hit a few soft spots sometime soon as Honest Blogging is what I do best, but you can’t please everyone!! Thanks for the support, I’ve hopefully got one coming this Sunday, that’s again, all in jest xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • Meh, can’t take life so seriously all the time! It’s good! And you’re not bashing healthy people {or health shaming} your simply explaining a lot of the things that people who are new to health and fitness experience. It’s all great.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Haha, I laughed out loud when I read about kale. I put it in my mixed drinks but otherwise I am not a fan either 😉

    Love avocado though, but it should be on a toast, mashed and with some pepper and truffle oil, mmmmmm

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lol damn thought we were getting somewhere with not liking kale, but then you go and drop the A bomb! It’s cool, I love how light hearted you are about it, I was a tad nervous posting it incase some people wouldn’t get my humour lol. But coming from an avocado lover herself, you approve – phew! Glad I made you chuckle, hope you get to see more of my posts xx

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m brand new to blogging and I’m finding your blog so inspiring (and way too relatable), spending hours reading your blog now too! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw you are so sweet!! Welcome to my blog and the world of blogging. You’ll soon get used to it promise! The community on here is so lovely, it gets addicting. Will check out your blog too hun, I’ve got a new post up in literally 1 minute! xx


    • Hahah that’s now my life motto! So glad you enjoyed it – welcome to my blog too, hope you find other posts amusing! Carbs = Happiness. I’m already thinking about my crispy potatoes for dinner #notsorry xx


  11. Hahaha “what the hell are flax seeds?” Oh I love that line because I try to sprinkle them on anywhere I can. Great fiber source! But seriously about the perfect looking breakfast bowls! Might be doable with a pretty small bowl so there isn’t an overload of food that I can’t finish.
    Awesome post

    Liked by 1 person

    • So glad you liked it Alicia and that you found your way onto my blog! I know, seeing the bowls gives me so much satisfaction but I can’t imagine the stress making them!! Hope you enjoy some more of my posts, thanks for stopping by xxx


  12. HAHA this is the best!!! Yes to everything. Chicken – sometimes I feel embarrassed that I’m eating some leftover plain chicken and I slather some yellow mustard on it. Looks horrible. Could never take a picture of that for social media! Health food bloggers would faint 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. The over night oats jars are too cute. I bought a couple the other day in Dunelm Mill. Quite cheap too. They automatically make your breakfast look pretty. This is a great post. You’ve said what the rest of the world is thinking! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah! A lot of people have suggested places in the UK…maybe that means I’m a bad shopper!! My mum will be disappointed haha. Thanks for that, and thank you for your kind words – let’s hope you enjoy and can relate to some more of my posts…no pressure Xxx


  14. Loved reading this! Love your writing! I follow a lot of healtb bloggers and posts on instagram- and I always wonder how on earth do they make everythhing look so pretty and how do they have the time for it?!? P.s I tried kale chips- not my thing! Hehe

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay!! So glad you enjoyed it, I wondered if you had seen it or not hehe. I know the breakfast bowls are so pleasing to look at…but I’d dread to be the one making it, sprinkling on flower by flower…give me my weetabix!! Thanks for your compliments, I’m so happy you enjoy my writing style – Woo!xx

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  15. Hey Lexi, great article. I started my own blog with the ambition of being a healthy student but somehow I just…failed (too much baking maybe?). Thanks for speaking out what everyone thinks: How the heck do they make it so pretty picture-perfect and apparently edible? Haven’t tried Kale chips yet but spinach chips (by accident) and they somehow tasted like potato. Weird thing…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Johanna, welcome to my blog! So glad you enjoyed my post, it’s all I ask for when I write and it’s actually just by chance that everyone else is thinking the same thing!! I’m sat tucking into some back flavoured crisps so, yeah being a healthy student isn’t going too great for me either…at last we’re not alone in it right? 🙂 xx

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      • Yeah that’s what I try telling myself too. And at least I can feel good about myself because I went running and smuggled some carrots into my breakfast, right ? 🙂

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  16. Haha, I love this so much! Whenever I read a post about healthy eating I always get inspired to create a fabulous breakfast… but unfortunately by the time I get to dinner the pasta in the fridge looks too tempting and quick to resist! 😛

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  17. I love this post and I’ve been wanting to write a similar one for a while! I love these foodie and health blogs for inspiration but I do find them a little unrealistic sometimes. It’s easy to make your breakfast look instagram-able when you don’t have to leave the house at 7am for work! Just discovered your blog and it’s great 🙂 xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • So glad you stumbled across me and my posts! Nothing better than randomly finding blogs haha. Yes I’m so glad we agree on the fact that a bowl of porridge is basically in hair and makeup for the shoot instead of you being i hair and makeup for work!! Hope you get to have a look around and that you enjoy some more of my posts soon! I have one coming tomorrow hopefully xox

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